Your choice of partner matters when it comes to IT Support. You must feel confident that not only can they come to the rescue when things go wrong, but also that they are working proactively behind the scenes. If you’ve been with your current provider for a while or are starting to notice standards slipping, you may be starting to rethink your decision – here are the six signs it’s time to switch IT provider…

6 Signs It's Time to Switch IT Provider

1. They can’t keep up with your growth

When choosing an IT support partner for the first time, you were most likely in your early stages of growth. At the time this may have been the perfect fit but, if you have grown a lot since then, you may have outgrown what they can provide.

2. Response times have slipped

If you have been with your current provider for a while, you may have become less attentive over time not noticing that standards have slipped. Take a look at how your current provider is meeting their targets – if problems are persisting, it may be time to search for a new one.


3. You keep experiencing the same issues

All of those small, everyday issues add up when staff are getting frustrated and becoming less productive – and it could be costing your business a lot of money. If your IT Support partner is failing to find a solution to recurring problems or is only interested in quick fixes, it may be a sign that they are no longer equipped to support your business.


4. They’re not proactive

Some providers are simply reactive, only responding when an issue occurs. Your IT Support partner should be collaborating with you to form a long-term strategy and proactively working behind the scenes to prevent issues before they happen.


5. You want to create change within your organisation

Technology has the power to digitally transform your business, helping you embrace new technologies and stay ahead of the game. If your current provider is holding you back rather than helping you grow, it’s time to consider your options.


6. You don’t feel confident in their abilities

If you aren’t confident in the support offered by your provider on a day-to-day basis, it’s likely you won’t feel confident that they can deliver when it comes to a disaster recovery situation. You should feel reassured that your IT Support partner is on hand when you need them most. 


The risks of sticking with poor IT support

Sometimes it seems easier to stick with what you have than to take the leap and find a new service provider. However, poor IT support can cause repercussions throughout your business, including lost time, declining productivity and employee stress.


Have you put off making the switch?

Finding a great partner for IT Support doesn’t have to be painful. If you’re concerned about the impact your current provider is having on your business, Air IT can help – we’re an award-winning Managed Service Provider that offering not just Managed IT Support but everything from Cyber Security and Communications to Cloud Computing and Business Intelligence. Get in touch today to find out more. 


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