Protect your brand and take control of your digital domain with Managed DMARC.

managed dmarc service

Email remains a primary communication channel for businesses, but it also poses significant risks, including phishing and spoofing attacks. DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) is a crucial tool for combating these threats. Air IT Managed DMARC offers a streamlined solution to help organisations implement and manage DMARC, protecting their brand and customers.

Understanding DMARC and Its Importance

DMARC is an email authentication protocol that gives domain owners control over who can send emails on their behalf. By implementing DMARC, businesses can prevent their domains from being used in phishing and spoofing attacks. As DMARC adoption increases, more organisations are recognising its importance in securing email channels. However, DMARC implementation can be complex, which is where Air IT’s Managed DMARC solution proves invaluable.

Challenges in Implementing DMARC

Many organisations face challenges when implementing DMARC, such as:

  • Complex DNS Configuration: Setting up DMARC requires precise DNS configuration, which can be difficult for those unfamiliar with the process.
  • Understanding DMARC Reports: DMARC generates reports in XML format that can be challenging to read and analyse.
  • Balancing Security and Deliverability: It can be tricky to enforce DMARC policies without impacting the deliverability of legitimate emails.

How does Managed DMARC Simplify DMARC Implementation?

Air IT’s Managed DMARC solution utilises state-of-the-art technology from Sendmarc, who are cybersecurity email protection, compliance experts. With Managed DMARC, Air IT takes the complexity out of DMARC implementation and management with the following features:

  • Fully Managed Service: Air IT Managed DMARC is provided by our team of experts with the support of Sendmarc to simplify the process on your behalf when it comes to DMARC setup.
  • Automated Reporting: Air IT’s Managed DMARC transforms complex DMARC reports into easy-to-understand dashboards, allowing organisations to monitor their email traffic and identify potential threats.
  • Expert Guidance: Air IT Managed DMARC provides expert support throughout the DMARC implementation process, ensuring that your policy is optimised for both security and deliverability.

What are the benefits of using Air IT’s Managed DMARC?

By choosing the Air IT Managed DMARC service for your DMARC solution, your organisation can ensure several key benefits:

  • Enhanced Email Security: Air IT’s Managed DMARC helps protect your brand from phishing and spoofing attacks, reducing the risk of email fraud.
  • Simplified Compliance: Air IT’s Managed DMARC ensures that your organisation complies with industry standards and the latest updates from Google and Yahoo.
  • PCI DSS v4.0 Compliance: Air IT’s Managed DMARC solution also supports compliance with PCI DSS v4.0. The new Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard emphasises robust authentication protocols and secure email practices. DMARC implementation is crucial for meeting these standards, and Air IT’s Managed DMARC solution aligns with these requirements, simplifying adherence to PCI DSS v4.0.
  • Actionable Insights: Air IT’s Managed DMARC reporting tools provide clear insights into your email ecosystem, helping you make informed decisions to enhance security.
  • Scalability: Air IT’s Managed DMARC solution is scalable, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes.

Safeguard your brand’s digital identity with Managed DMARC

In an era of increasing email-based threats, implementing DMARC is essential. Air IT’s Managed DMARC offers a comprehensive, user-friendly solution that simplifies the DMARC process, providing robust protection for your brand. Additionally, staying compliant with the latest requirements from Google, Yahoo, and PCI DSS v4.0 ensures your emails reach their intended recipients without worry of them being blocked, while maintaining the highest security standards.

To learn more about Managed DMARC or to discuss implementation for your business, please get in touch.