In Lincolnshire, the YMCA offer a diverse range of services to the people that need their help, so they can help to support them. They encourage people to reach their full potential, which often includes:

  • Providing supported housing
  • Night shelters
  • Fitness classes
  • Day care facilities for parents
  • Health facilities
  • Training to better their life

One of the benefits of the not-for-profit organisation is that they have their own showroom and conference facilities. All of the income from this is invested back into the youth of Lincolnshire and creating positive activities for them.

Not only do the YMCA provide accommodation for people having a life crisis and facing homelessness, but they also work hard to provide people with training. Their education courses for young people between the ages of 16 to 19 are extremely beneficial and help families achieve sustainable community development.

Key Outcomes

  • Better disaster recovery capabilities
  • Improved redundancy
  • Increased performance
  • Greater storage capacity
  • Better scalability
  • Robust security

The Challenge

Over the last ten years, we have provided YMCA Lincolnshire with the IT support they needed to run their operations. Through that, we have maintained a long-established relationship with them and know the ins and outs of their business with regards to IT.

By carrying out regular IT reviews on their equipment and software, we have updated their IT requirements as and when needed, to ensure they stay on top of the latest security developments.

In the past, the Lincolnshire branch of YMCA were constantly experiencing performance issues and downtime was slowly becoming an issue for them. For the organisation to move forward, there were changes to be made and so it started looking for an IT provider that would modernise the operations of the business.

They also wanted a provider that could improve their security and increase the user capability. We decided to put forward our proposal and outlined how Air IT could help in improving the IT systems in a way that would be cost effective and completed in a timely manner. YMCA Lincolnshire was quick to offer us the project after being impressed with our proposal.

The Showroom YMCA Lincolnshire outside of building with logo

Thanks to Air IT, we now have a robust IT infrastructure that provides us with better performance capabilities and operations have become more efficient. Having an extended period of downtime would be disastrous for our organisation, but knowing we have Air IT looking after our IT, especially as they have gone beyond the call of duty in the past, is a great feeling.

Simon Nicoll
Business Development and Showroom Manager, YMCA Lincolnshire

The Showroom YMCA Lincolnshire outside of building with logo

The Approach

Our solution was to provide YMCA with a robust and integrated IT solution. We worked closely with YMCA over the course of two to three months to deploy a number of IT updates, which would improve their storage capabilities, security protection, redundancy and user performance.

Implementing the latest server platform technologies and moving various services to Microsoft Cloud allowed the employees of YMCA to begin working remotely. Once these changes were made, they had the increased capabilities to work more efficiently. We made sure that throughout the entire process downtime was kept to a minimum to ensure all the employees could continue working as normal with their customers being supported. This was able to happen by performing most of the work out of business hours.

The Outcome

The Business Development and Showroom Manager of the YMCA Lincolnshire branch, Simon Nicoll, was impressed with the level of planning and attention to detail that we put into the project.

Throughout the updates we kept them informed of the progress, to make sure they knew when deadlines would be met. Although we gave YMCA realistic timescales for the project to be completed within, we managed to have them up and running earlier than they expected, with downtime kept to a minimum.

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