January 2025

0 %
Calls Answered Within 15 Seconds
high five xla respond time white icon
0 hr
Average Time to Respond
high five xla clock icon white
0 hr
Average Time to Resolution
0 %
First Contact Resolution
0 %
Customer Satisfaction

What does High Five mean?

Each month we publish our High Five – a set of five metrics that detail our performance for the last month. We also keep a record of the two months prior to this, for complete transparency of services and to help identify any trends across each quarter. ‘High Five’ refers to the top five priorities we have identified when it comes to creating outstanding customer experiences.

These are just a few of the measures we monitor to evaluate the service we are providing, so we can continually improve what we do. In addition to the High Five, we analyse a huge variety of data across all aspects of our service delivery and provide clients with detailed reporting to show that we are keeping our promises, exceeding expectations and delivering an excellent service experience.

Our High Five are chosen to reflect both our clients’ interests and the excellent work performed by our Service Desk team.

Calls answered within 15 seconds

We understand that when you call our service desk, it’s usually because there’s a pressing issue. It’s important to get a speedy response from an engineer – you don’t want to be waiting around on hold.

We aim to answer calls to our service desk within 15 seconds, giving you peace of mind that there will always be someone on hand to listen to your query and help you get back to your day as quickly as possible.

Average time to respond

This metric shows the average time it takes for an engineer to initially respond to a support request. Average time to respond differs from average time to resolution as it refers to the amount of time taken to reply, rather than the time taken to fully solve the problem.

We want to ensure that you are updated throughout the process, without having to wait too long for an answer. It’s important for us to make an initial response so that clients know we are aware of their issue and how we will proceed, and you’re not wondering whether your ticket has been seen or if we’re working on it.

Average time to resolution

Measuring our average time to resolution shows us how long it takes, on average, to resolve a support ticket once it has been created.

Our mission is to empower people to succeed through technology, so the quicker we can get your issue sorted and allow you to get on with what you do best, the better for everyone. Ensuring that issues are resolved in a timely manner is one of our biggest priorities for a great customer experience.

First Contact Resolution

We always try our best to resolve issues as soon as we can, at the point of first contact, so you don’t have to explain your issue to multiple engineers or keep coming back for the same problem.

We measure the percentage of First Contact Resolutions we achieve, which we define as a ticket that has been resolved after just one interaction with our service desk, whether that be by phone, email or through our Service Hub.

Of course, there will always be issues that need further escalation (for example, those that are more complex or require us to order new parts) but measuring First Contact Resolution helps us to ensure that when clients come to us for support, we can get it right the first time wherever possible so that you can get on with your day-to-day duties without any unnecessary back-and-forth.

Customer Satisfaction – CSAT

As part of our customer experience programme, we conduct event-based satisfaction surveys after each support case is closed or a project is completed.

Clients are asked to rate their recent service experience as good, neutral or bad, and can opt to add their own comments about how their issue or project was handled.

Our CSAT score is the monthly average of all surveys received. Our average response rate is more than 22%, compared to an industry standard of 5%.

We read all comments, both positive and negative, and any bad or neutral ratings we receive are investigated. Listening to our clients and taking their feedback on board is essential for us to refine our services and drive continual improvement.

Why work with us

Award Winning IT

Industry Leading Systems & Tools

Reference Backed - Air IT support

Fully reference backed

ISO, ITIL, SDI Aligned

ITIL, ISO Best Practice

Business Maturity - Air IT support

Mature Services & Processes

Complimentary IT Support

Certified & Experienced Team

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