Does your company have an 'Acceptable Use' Policy to ensure your staff use the internet correctly? Find out more about information security and what you need to consider.

In today’s IT-driven business world, with smart devices and PC’s on every desk, virtually all employees can surf the internet and use email.
Few businesses, however, appreciate the potential problems this can bring. Businesses who do not ensure that their staff use the internet and the information it provides correctly risk:
- Infringing a raft of child protection, obscene publication and sex and racial discrimination legislation
- Damage to their reputation
- Theft of company information
- Employee misuse
- Infection by criminals
- Business disruption due to IT system failure
The 2010 Information Security Breaches Survey found the following:
- 52% of large companies said employees abused internet services.
- 43% said staff misused their email.
- 41% of the worst incidents involved staff accessing inappropriate websites.
- 36% related to excessive web surfing.
- The most serious involved access to illegal material.
- The cost of employee fraud to companies has almost doubled over the past two years to reach over £78m
That’s why more and more businesses are finding it necessary to introduce ‘Acceptable Use’ policies.
- An ‘Acceptable Use’ policy ensures that employees understand the way in which information should be used.
- It enables both employees and the business organisation to gain the maximum value from the internet.
- It alerts all users to the technical and commercial risks that can arise if the technology is misused.
- It informs all users of the consequences of misuse by employees.
Air-IT can project manage the process of introducing an ‘Acceptable Use’ policy.
- We’ll work with you to identify the needs of your business and the expectations and requirements of your staff.
- We’ll develop an agreed statement for using the internet at work.
- We’ll implement a workable policy.
- We’ll run tailored staff training sessions so that employees are fully aware of the importance of good computer usage at work.
Want to know more?
For further information about Information Security and Acceptable Use Policies please contact us today, to speak to one of our technology experts who’ll be pleased to help and advise you on the best route of action.