Air IT is delighted to announce that we have successfully passed and gained UKAS accredited certifications for Information Security Standard ISO 27001:2013 and Quality Management Standard, ISO 9001:2015.

ISO 27001:2013
ISO 27001:2013 is internationally recognised as the highest standard in information security and determines the minimum requirements of an Information Security Management System (ISMS). Our ISMS demonstrates that we have implemented robust controls, policies and procedures built upon thorough risk assessments, and incorporates areas such as data access and business continuity. Alongside our Cyber Essentials certifications, ISO 27001 adds further depth to our information security commitment and reassures our clients that we are taking necessary and comprehensive steps to protect our systems and data.
ISO 9001:2015
ISO 9001:2015 is recognised as the worldwide benchmark for quality, acting as the international standard against which the quality management standard (QMS) and procedures of a business are evaluated. Following an in-depth assessment, Air IT has once again been recognised for delivering a high and consistent standard of quality in the goods and services that we provide to our clients. Having initially implemented an ISO9001 QMS in 2011, our decision to pursue the more recent and UKAS accredited standard reinforces our commitment to continually improving and delivering the very highest standards to our clients. James Healey, Air-IT’s Managing Director comments:
We are exceptionally pleased to have received recognition for our high-quality standard of service, and for maintaining comprehensive protection of information. At Air-IT, we offer our customers consistent quality across the board – and the achievement of both accreditations highlights this perfectly.
James Healey
Both certifications have been awarded following an independent, in-depth audit of our ISMS and QMS, carried out by ACM LTD, a UKAS accredited certification body. To view copies of our certifiates, please see the links below.
ISO 9001 certificate ISO 27001 certificate
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